Friday, August 14, 2009

NYC SOLO!!! Mamba Throwing down NEW heat out of nowhere and Hostile drops their first ANYTHING!! Demz Replies with 1954's Commercial!!

Hostile? Oh yeah, those guys!

YES! we came out of nowhere, much? YES.. We're ON!!! Southie has been reppin by himself long enough. It's time to drop bombs!! HOODLUM!

Mamba Reppin' Hoodlum!!!

Watch more videos of Skate 2

Mamba droppin' some heat with this cold ass video. :) YES.. COLD HEAT. Hoodlum!!

Demzilla Replies with Love...
Watch more videos of Skate 2

And a heart full of Mercury. And he wants me to take a sip. Lovely LOVELY commercial from Demzilla himself!! Hoodlum!!!!!!!!

NYC Turned His Swag on to the MAX?? LOLOL

I Turn my swaaaaag onnNNnnnnnnnnnnn... NYC.. The only Soulja Boy song I can tolerate.
Solid video nonetheless. Hoodlum!!

1 comment:

mamba said...

don't know if i should take it as a compliment, but you mixed up mine and demz's videos.